Sit Still and Listen!
A vigorous discussion between two generations. A mother and a daughter. A millennial and a Generation X-er.Topics are randomly chosen by alternate weeks being lead by one host or the other. The person not leading the discussion will have just heard the topic at that moment. Armed with only the knowledge they possess and the discussion will ensue. We hope to not only bridge the gaps in generational understanding but also to laugh and find some common ground to refocus our lense of the world. We invite you to join us!
Sit Still and Listen!
Sit Still and Listen - Extreme Weather Events
Beth and Sarah
Season 1
Episode 14
Audio Player
00:00 | 46:17
In this unprecedented episode of Sit Still and Listen, Beth and Sarah talk about the recent hurricane that has devastated Louisiana and the wild fires that are currently raging through California, Oregon and Colorado.
Links for donations:
For help in Louisianna:
Check out our YouTube for full follow up information about this episode.